
For web applications it’s crucial to react to the data a client sends to the server. In Salvo this information is provided by the request:

async fn hello(req: &mut Request) -> String {

About query string

We can get query string from request object:


About form


About json payload


Extract Data

Request can be parsed into strongly typed structures by providing several functions through Request.

  • parse_params: parse the requested router params into a specific data type;
  • parse_queries: parse the requested URL queries into a specific data type;
  • parse_headers: parse the requested HTTP haders into a specific data type;
  • parse_json: Parse the data in the HTTP body part of the request as JSON format to a specific type;
  • parse_form: Parse the data in the HTTP body part of the request as a Form form to a specific type;
  • parse_body: Parse the data in the HTTP body section to a specific type according to the type of the requested content-type.
  • extract: can combine different data sources to parse a specific type.

Parsing principle

The customized serde::Deserializer will be extract data similar to HashMap<String, String> and HashMap<String, Vec<String>> into a specific data type.

For example: URL queries is actually extracted as a MultiMapopen in new window type, MultiMap can think of it as a data structure like HashMap<String, Vec<String>>. If the requested URL is http://localhost/users?id=123&id=234, we provide The target type is:

struct User {
  id: i64

Then the first id=123 will be parsed, and id=234 will be discarded:

let user: User = req.parse_queries().unwrap();
assert_eq!(, 123);

If the type we provide is:

struct Users {
  id: Vec<i64>

Then id=123&id=234 will be parsed:

let users: Users = req.parse_queries().unwrap();
assert_eq!(user.ids, vec![123, 234]);

Multiple data sources can be merged to parse out a specific type. You can define a custom type first, for example:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Extractible, Debug)]
/// Get the data field value from the body by default.
#[extract(default_source(from = "body"))]
struct GoodMan<'a> {
    /// The id number is obtained from the request path parameter, and the data is automatically parsed as i64 type.
    #[extract(source(from = "param"))]
    id: i64,
    /// Reference types can be used to avoid memory copying.
    username: &'a str,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,

Then in Handler you can get the data like this:

async fn edit(req: &mut Request) -> String {
    let good_man: GoodMan<'_> = req.extract().await.unwrap();

You can even pass the type directly to the function as a parameter, like this:

async fn edit<'a>(good_man: GoodMan<'a>) -> String {

There is considerable flexibility in the definition of data types, and can even be resolved into nested structures as needed:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Extractible, Debug)]
#[extract(default_source(from = "body", format = "json"))]
struct GoodMan<'a> {
    #[extract(source(from = "param"))]
    id: i64,
    #[extract(source(from = "query"))]
    username: &'a str,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,
    lovers: Vec<String>,
    /// The nested field is completely reparsed from Request.
    #[extract(source(from = "request"))]
    nested: Nested<'a>,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Extractible, Debug)]
#[extract(default_source(from = "body", format = "json"))]
struct Nested<'a> {
    #[extract(source(from = "param"))]
    id: i64,
    #[extract(source(from = "query"))]
    username: &'a str,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,
    #[extract(rename = "lovers")]
    pets: Vec<String>,

For specific examples, see: extract-nestedopen in new window.